

Hello, book lovers! I’ve teamed up with my good friend, Natasha from Book Baristason this new and fun hashtag, #NewAdultIRL. This will also be an interactive chat on Twitter and Facebook where YOU can tweet/post about your own New Adult moments in real life. 😉

If you’ve had a time in your day-to-day life where you thought, “Wow, this would go so well in a New Adult book!” or “Okay…am I in an NA read or is this really my life right now?” then we want you to share it!

Teacups & Book Love and I have teamed up with Book Baristas to help host this chat on Wednesdays from 9-10 p.m. EST. Each week will be themed, so one week can be NA sports romance, and the next week can be NA rock star romance, etc.


The best story/tweet will win either an eBook under $2.99 or an eBook donated by any author who wants to participate in this chat!

Authors: feel free to email Book Baristas at bookbaristas@gmail.com if you’d like to join in on this!

You’ve got 140 characters or less to bring your A-game! Tell us your funniest/steamiest/awkward/amazing New Adult moments for a chance to win eBooks every week!

Be sure to follow us on Twitter for updates on when the chats will start: @bookbaristas | @hopelessbookies | @teacupsbooklove

Like us on Facebook, too: Book Baristas | Hopeless Book Lovers | Teacups & Book Love

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